Lair of Fanheir - Father of all Linnorms, Undeads, Wights and Ghost bundle 14 by 2moronic


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Weapon: sword CreatureType: dragon OtherDescription: collection CreatureType: undead Location: swamp CreatureName: wraith CreatureName: wight CreatureType: flying CreatureName: ghost Location: tomb Location: crypt Race: Monster Use: Mini Genre: Fantasy SourceBook: D&D OtherDescription: Bundle Location: underdark Location: Underground Location: Desert Location: Plains Set SourceBook: pathfinder OtherDescription: pack CreatureType: Spirit Location: urban Location: graveyard OtherDescription: presupported SourceBook: Basic Rules SourceBook: Monster Manual (D&D 5e) SourceBook: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (D&D 5e) Location: darklands Location: grassland SourceBook: Bestiary (PF1e) SourceBook: Bestiary (PF2e) CreatureType: incorporeal SourceBook: Bestiary 3 (PF1e) CreatureName: Sword Wraith CreatureType: Linnorm SourceBook: Monsters of Myth (PF2e) CreatureName: Fafnheir CreatureName: Huecuva